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Events at Montrose Bible Conference
Let the heavens be glad, and let the earth rejoice; let the sea roar, and all that fills it; let the field exult & everything in it! Then shall all the trees of the forest sing for joy
Psalm 96:11-12

Our Events

From concerts to conferences, vacations to weekend getaways, Montrose offers a variety of unique and encouraging event experiences.  Our annual line-up of inspiring speakers, gifted musicians, learning opportunities is sure to bring you, your friends, and your family back again and again!

Families find the Christ-centered atmosphere at Montrose to be the ideal setting for both fun and learning.  For adults of all ages, single or married, men or women, we offer a variety of opportunities to revitalize your relationship with God and connect with others.  

Bring a team from church, a group from a local organization, or members of your family to learn and grow together!  We even offer special opportunities for seniors to connect and stay “young at heart.”

For information about our 
youth camps and events, please visit our Youth section. 



Montrose Bible Conference // 218 Locust Street, Montrose, PA 18801 // Phone 570-278-1001 // Toll Free 1-800-598-5030 // Contact Us